Level 2: The Energetics of Creativity™

Through hands-on practice, case studies, and dynamic study you learn a variety of tools developed by Tami for addressing the pelvic care of your clients in a holistic manner. You will also learn how to enhance your creativity and replenish your own female energy system even as you provide care for others. Discover the medicine of the pelvic bowl for daily life, for healing, and as a portal for creativity and birthing. As you tend and repair the feminine field, it will transform your own way of being.

This workshop distills Tami’s experience of working with many thousands of women in the pelvic bowl as a women’s health physical therapist and expands this work to reading the energy of the creative field. Tami will share what she has learned in harnessing the creative potential and refining essential patterns at this place where energy finds a physical form and our creations take shape.

Join this Level II advanced energy medicine class to learn these ground-breaking energy tools for transforming the unconscious energy patterns that otherwise continue to inform the boundaries of creative capacity in order to expand your core potential and truly embody a soul-filled life.


3 Modules

Course Documents

In this module, you will find all of your course materials (the manual and various handouts/ energy attunement diagrams).

In-Person Course Registration

Once you have completed the online course, you can reserve a place in an in-person class where the skills are practiced and refined.

Modules for this course 3
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